Unleash the impossible—with my curated business blog & resources.
My resources open your mind about your business, yourself, and the differently. I challenge you to reexamine your leadership, envision your growth, and innovative the world.
Business is Personal, It’s an Art
It seems to me that entrepreneurship is way more than following techniques or frameworks. Business is personal...could it be that business is an art?
Improve Your Creativity and Leadership Skills through Journaling
Do you devote time to truly get to know yourself? One of the first critical aspects that creativity and leadership have in common is that they stem from self-knowledge…
3 Creative Morning Rituals to Come up With New Ideas
In my latest post on creativity, I gave you the most potent creativity boost there is: spending time alone in the morning. Yet just being in the morning, alone, offline, in a comfy…
The one key habit to boost your creativity
Did you try the method to trigger your creative thinking and come up with new ideas that I suggested last month? Did it help? if you feel like you are still missing…
The Three Top Leadership Qualities
If you are reading this blog post, you’re probably in your path to becoming an authentic leader and developing the leadership skills that the 21st-century requires…
How to motivate your team: 3 basic tips
Leadership and motivation go hand in hand. It’s easy to say that one of the most relevant leadership skills is keeping your team motivated…
Leadership skills: Building trust in the workplace
Many people argue that leadership cannot be learned nor it can be achieved through training or coaching. I strongly disagree with this idea, which is why I’m devoting…
What Is Stress And How to Deal with It
When we talk about stress, we often refer to any physical, mental or emotional tension a person experiences when facing a change that will require adjustments…
Five Easy Stress Management Techniques
In my years as a consultant and management expert, I have often given (and needed!) advice about stress management, and I can certainly say that stress…
Three Techniques to Manage Stress at Work
Stress management is indeed one of the key abilities any manager should have. The pressure to keep an eye on the big picture and another one on the details…
4 Keys to Building Resilience
Resilience training is a key skill for growing as a leader. When we talk about resiliency, we refer to the ability to bounce back from a difficult situation…
How to Build Resilience at Work
Imagine a company where the employees or coworkers quit as soon as something goes wrong. Exactly, few businesses would survive if its employees did this and nothing would ever get done…
Resilience: Definition and How to Build It
Resilience in the workplace is an important capability, whether you’re a CEO or just starting out. The most authentic leaders are those who have…
Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
Until not so long ago, emotional intelligence was extremely underrated when it came to leadership qualities and, in my opinion, it took a long time to start…
Organizational Leadership: How to manage emotions in the workplace
It used to be taboo for leaders to talk about emotions with their team in the workplace. But, at a time when our society is steeped in conversations about…
Leadership Development: Building Character
Often, when people imagine the path to leadership, they only think of the external work that they will have to do, like achievements and recognition from others…
Top Leadership qualities: How to become an authentic leader
If you are reading this article, you are probably interested in developing the necessary leadership qualities to become a leader in the near future if you are not…
3 Habits for Effective Leadership
We all have special quirks that we believe help us do our job better. But, did you know you can actually develop positive habits that will help you…
How to trigger your creative thinking and come up with new ideas
If you’ve ever started a blank page on your computer screen, hoping that a new idea will magically pop into your head, then you know this simple truth: you can’t…
What is creativity? Definitions
One night, I am sleeping and a rush of images and words, one after the other, wakes me up. The visions are obvious. Surprised with I had just witnessed…