Unleash the impossible—with my curated business blog & resources.
My resources open your mind about your business, yourself, and the differently. I challenge you to reexamine your leadership, envision your growth, and innovative the world.
Business is Personal, It’s an Art
It seems to me that entrepreneurship is way more than following techniques or frameworks. Business is personal...could it be that business is an art?
Improve Your Creativity and Leadership Skills through Journaling
Do you devote time to truly get to know yourself? One of the first critical aspects that creativity and leadership have in common is that they stem from self-knowledge…
3 Creative Morning Rituals to Come up With New Ideas
In my latest post on creativity, I gave you the most potent creativity boost there is: spending time alone in the morning. Yet just being in the morning, alone, offline, in a comfy…
The one key habit to boost your creativity
Did you try the method to trigger your creative thinking and come up with new ideas that I suggested last month? Did it help? if you feel like you are still missing…
The Three Top Leadership Qualities
If you are reading this blog post, you’re probably in your path to becoming an authentic leader and developing the leadership skills that the 21st-century requires…
4 Keys to Building Resilience
Resilience training is a key skill for growing as a leader. When we talk about resiliency, we refer to the ability to bounce back from a difficult situation…
Top Leadership qualities: How to become an authentic leader
If you are reading this article, you are probably interested in developing the necessary leadership qualities to become a leader in the near future if you are not…
How to trigger your creative thinking and come up with new ideas
If you’ve ever started a blank page on your computer screen, hoping that a new idea will magically pop into your head, then you know this simple truth: you can’t…
What is creativity? Definitions
One night, I am sleeping and a rush of images and words, one after the other, wakes me up. The visions are obvious. Surprised with I had just witnessed…
What is the flavor of the comfort zone?
Ramón, do you know how to motivate a recently formed team of directors and executives from two rival companies that just merged? That was the question that the…